Friday, February 13, 2015

Hello Everyone,
        This is Emily, your friendly Esthetician here at Merle Norman. Today we will be tackling the facts and myths behind chemical peels. Most of my clients find the subject of peels very overwhelming and lets face it, scary. Have no fear, my friends. Today, I am only focusing on two types of peels, Glycolic and Enzyme. Keep in mind that I am talking about medical grade peels that contain up to 30% acid. Stronger peels can be obtained through a dermatologist or plastic surgeon and yes, those can be pretty scary but those we will save for another post. The peels that I administer here at the spa produce results and require no down time. Alright, lets get down to business.

Glycolic acid: Glycolic acid is derived from sugar cane. This peel is actually an alpha hydroxy acid, aka AHA. Aha's are acids that assist in reversing the signs of aging. They contain a smaller molecular structure, which means the molecules move faster creating a stronger sensation on the skin. This is why you are more likely to feel a "tingle" when receiving a glycolic peel vs. an enzyme peel. Since the molecules are smaller, they work from the surface of the skin, down into the dermis. They are able to penetrate the skin faster and more aggressively which is why clients will sometimes experience some redness.This peel is great for clients concerned with hyper pigmentation, age spots, scaring due to acne or even surgeries and wrinkles.  Clients are often concerned that since this peel works at a faster pace than others, that it will be painful and actually make their skin peel off. Literally peel off....Like, this image comes to mind.
Calm down! Its not that bad! When I say peel, I am referring to a microscopic peel. Yes your skin is peeling, but it is microscopic. Your skin will feel smoother and appear more radiant than before. You will not look like a zombie from the Walking Dead, I promise.

Alright, now lets move on to the Enzyme peel:
Enzyme peels are usually derived from fruit extracts. Papaya, pumpkin and even apples are some of the most common fruits used in these peels. Enzyme peels are made up of beta hydroxy acids (BHA's) which aid in the killing of bacteria. They have a larger molecular structure so the molecules move slower. Bha's work from inside the skin, outward. These peels are ideal for clients who have sensitive skin or even acne. Since the molecules move at a slower pace, you really will not feel a thing with this peel but will feel and see the results.

O.k. now lets focus on just a few things that make up the peel experience. When receiving a peel (especially from me) we will discuss your needs and decide which peel will be right for your skin. When choosing a peel, you also need to consider your lifestyle. Do you spend a lot of time outside? Were you a sun worshiper when you were younger, or are you still? What I am trying to say is, do you look like this?
                                                                         Or this?

If the answer is yes, or seeing those pictures made you think that maybe you had been spending a little too much time in the tanning bed, THEN STOP! One of the biggest reason why clients get chemical peels is because of sun damage. If you decide to commit to healthier skin, you must use an SPF! Remember, when receiving a peel we will be microscopically removing the outermost layer of your skin. You must protect it! You must also keep your skin hydrated! Moisturizing daily is imperative. So now you can understand why your lifestyle is important. You also need to consider your schedule. Peels should really be done in a series to achieve maximum results. One treatment, every two weeks is ideal when starting out. After that, once a month is great!  The steps involved in the peel process are pretty simple. Your skin in cleansed, followed by the peel. Most medical grade peels only stay on the skin for 5-7 minutes. Some enzyme peels can stay on up to 10. After your peel is removed, clients usually enjoy a soothing mask. This process takes about 20-30 minutes and the results are immediate. 
So there you have it! I think we can all agree that peels are not as intimidating or scary as we once thought they were, right? Thank you all for stopping by and remember "Beautiful skin requires commitment, not a miracle." ~Emily Richards~ Lead Esthetician for Merle Norman Day Spa, Terre Haute,In. 812-232-1676

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